Quick start guide

Fastjourney is a Windows application created by a single developer that aims to automate the sending of prompts, upscaling, and downloading images using Discord bot named Midjourney. The app is currently in beta phase

Fastjourney is not affiliated with the midjourney product. We do not cooperate in any way. Fastjourney is an independent solution.


  • Windows 10/11

  • Latest Chrome browser

  • MS Excel application

  • Active Midjourney subscription

Environment preparation

1. Discord Server

Fastjourney works best when you have your own Discord server, detailed instructions can be found in the official Midjourney documentation (https://midjourney.gitbook.io/docs/use-midjourney-on-your-own-discord-server)

2. Discord channels

Fastjourney assumes operation on a maximum of three threads simultaneously for one account - this means that you can generate up to 3 images simultaneously with one midjourney subscription. Due to this, we recommend creating three channels on your discord server:

Save the url of each created channel, you will need them to configure the application

4. Excel files

Sending prompts is based on an excel file that you must prepare in advance. Fastjourney threads cannot share the same file with each other, so you must create a separate excel file for each thread you intend to use download the template here:

You only complete the columns marked in green. Columns marked in orange will be filled in automatically

  • Column A [Required][string] - imagine prompt

  • Column B [Required][integer 1-4] - number of images to be generated & upscaled from one prompt

  • Column C [Optional][string] - prompt prefix if you want to add some value before your prompt especially useful for image links

  • Column D [Optional][string] - prompt suffix if you want to add some value after your prompt especially useful for custom parameters

Repeat this operation for each profile/thread you want to use

Last updated